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Mindsets shift when you take action

We offer a variety of services to you as an individual, as well as to your teams and organizations.

Explore a service Arrow Right Service

As soon as you start to engage in your own development and the growth of your people, you begin to create change. We're here to guide you through that work, so that you can become the most empowered and engaged version of yourself that you can be.

Leadership Development Coaching Professional Women Breakthrough Coaching Career Transitioners & Career Coaching Positive Intelligence Group Coaching Team Coaching Creating a Coaching Culture Consulting Services

Leadership Development Coaching

In partnership together, we will create a process that helps you to find your voice, tap into your potential and support you towards your goal so that you can become a more impactful leader.

Through careful questioning and listening, I will step into your world, and we’ll work through whatever is standing in your way on your path to success.

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Business Owners, Non-Profits & Board Members

Leaders, Directors &  Managers

Those looking to improve communication with their people

People who are in search of empowerment

Anyone who wants to clarify their leadership voice and style

Heart Benefits:

  • Clarify your goal
  • Empower yourself
  • Shift limiting thought patterns
  • Create new insights
  • Improve performance
  • Better communication

Document How it works:

  • Online meetings at Zoom
  • 3-month coaching engagement
  • (12) Weekly 1-hour coaching sessions
  • In the moment coaching (5-10 mins)
  • Text and email support

Professional Women Breakthrough Coaching

The Great Resignation of 2021 is nothing like we’ve seen in over twenty years. Post Covid19, people have left their jobs in droves.
Women all over the world have launched new businesses and careers and are reveling in their newfound freedom.

But what if you’re a woman who hasn’t been able to do that yet?

If you’re overworked and overwhelmed, working yourself to the bone and not being recognized, and you’re contemplating a move…what is holding you back?
What do you want to break through? What is your very next step?

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Professional women

Women in the corporate space

People stuck in the rat race of work, work, work

Women who are overworked, undervalued, and underestimated

Women who are in management, picking up extra slack because they’re supporting all diversity and inclusion efforts

Heart Benefits:

  • Personal and professional empowerment
  • Stop settling and get to where you really want to be
  • Shift limiting thought patterns
  • Identify exactly what you want
  • Tackle fears and identify the next step
  • Gain clarity on your passion
  • Step-by-step action plan to get to where you want to be

Document How it works:

  • 3-month coaching engagement
  • (12) Weekly 1-hour coaching sessions
  • Mental Fitness with Positive Intelligence
  • Action plan for next steps
  • In the moment coaching (5-10 mins)
  • Text and email support

Career Transitioners & Career Coaching

You’re in the middle of your career. You’re a leader. And you know there’s more.

But you’re overworked, undervalued, and underestimated. Let’s identify your strengths, and what makes you unique, and then give you the clarity you need to make informed decisions about your influence and your impact. Through a process of introspection, we’ll cut through your limiting beliefs, and then quiet your inner critic, ensuring your mental fitness and your maximum joy in work and life.

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Mid-Career individuals rethinking their work and life goals

Individuals working in a passive state-of-being

Anyone looking for an empowered course of action

Individuals ready to leave the grind behind and pursue their passion

Early career individuals interested in advancing their career

Heart Benefits:

  • Take action and achieve real results
  • Find your sweet spot
  • Establish more influence and impacts
  • Get clear your next career step
  • Hone and refine your pitch and messaging

Document How it works:

  • 2-month coaching engagement
  • (8) Weekly 1-hour coaching sessions
  • Strengths Assessment
  • Values Assessment
  • In the moment coaching (5-10 mins)
  • Text and email support

Positive Intelligence

This is the measure of your mental fitness. We increase mental fitness by making your positive mental muscles stronger, and your negative muscles less powerful. It’s the battle of the Sage vs the Saboteur. Let’s help the Sage win every time.

Who this is for Arrow Right Service


Heart Benefits:

  • Happier and less stressed
  • More adaptable to handle challenges
  • Increased sense of ease
  • Tap into your potential

Document How it works:

  • 6-week program
  • Information Session (prior to start of 6 weeks)
  • PQ Assessment
  • Saboteur Assessment
  • PQ & Saboteur Assessments review
  • PQ app access
  • Weekly POD facilitation
  • Week 7 Wrap Up Session

Group Coaching

In a world that is non-stop in activity and noise, sometimes you need a space to gather with likeminded people who want to learn together and grow together. Join people from all over the world in mastermind sessions, and peer coaching groups.

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Like minded people looking for support, accountability and camaraderie

Those looking for new learning experiences

Anyone seeking the benefits of peer-to-peer learning and growth

Business leaders wanting a collective wisdom approach to business development

Access to coaching at a lower price point

Heart Benefits:

  • Shared wisdom
  • Learning from others
  • Community
  • Support
  • Accountability

Document How it works:

  • These packages are custom-made based on what is needed.
  • Held virtually, or in-person, these are groups of usually no more than 12.
  • Please contact us for more information.

Team Coaching

When a team is working together in perfect synergy, something magical happens. Not only does it perform better, but people within that team begin to enjoy working towards a common goal for the organization.

They handle complexity with grace. They deliver extraordinary results.
What if that team was your team?

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Any team that needs cohesion and alignment

A team that needs a shake up

Teams that have a new project to implement

Cross-Functional Teams in need of cultivating healthy team relationships

Large or small organizations wanting to increase understanding and appreciate diversity

Heart Benefits:

  • Team is aligned and working towards a shared goals
  • Team celebration
  • Efficiency
  • Communication
  • Happy people
  • High performance
  • Drives results

Document How it works:

  • These packages are custom-made based on what is needed.
  • Please contact us for more information.

Creating a Coaching Culture

This is a program to teach managers and leaders how to coach their teams. You might be a leader who has reached a leadership position because you perform your job incredibly well. You’re an expert in your field. But are you an expert with people?

How do you lead an effective and responsive team, who enjoy working with you?

When leaders can reinforce learning through coaching, that’s when the results become sustainable.

When a coaching culture becomes a key part of an organization’s identity, it shifts beliefs, challenges, norms, and moves the status quo.

That’s when real growth happens. You can nurture this culture in your business, so that you foster learning, appreciate diversity, and develop best practices.

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Any team working together to achieve common goals against which the whole team’s performance is evaluated

Functional teams

Cross-Functional teams

Operational teams

Virtual teams

Self-Managed teams

Heart Benefits:

  • Gets everyone involved
  • Fosters accountability
  • Increases loyalty
  • Understand your team members’ communication styles to increase effective communication.
  • Understanding learning styles
  • Deeper conversations that bring out individual strengths, and foster collaboration and team cohesion.

Document How it works:

  • This is a custom service
  • Contact for more info

Consulting Services

I can also work with you on a consultation basis. Whether you need assistance in leadership or team building, or business management, there’s an option for everyone.

Work on Lean transformation
Six-Sigma and Lean consulting is available too.

Who this is for Arrow Right Service

Startups – get a strong start

Businesses that can benefit from a fresh perspective.

Companies pursuing new campaigns

‌Businesses focused on growth

Organization wanting to create greater efficiencies and remove waste

Heart Benefits:

  • Identify obstacles that are preventing growth or efficiency
  • Out-of-the-box thinking and ideas
  • Outside perspective
  • Mindset shift

Document How it works:

  • This is a custom service
  • Contact for more info

How You Self Sabotage

A key to Mental Fitness is to weaken the internal Saboteurs who generate all your “negativity” in the way they respond to challenges. Your Saboteurs cause all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness. Saboteurs include the Judge, Controller, Avoider, Victim, Stickler and 5 others.

Your “Sage” lives in an entirely different region of your brain and handles challenges in ways that produce positive emotions like curiosity, empathy, creativity, calm, and clear-headed laser-focused action. You’d perform better and feel happier.


Breakthrough Results of Boosting PQ

37% more
19% better
3x creative
31% better
Discover your top
Saboteur for free.
Saboteur Assessment

Breakthrough Results

Within 6-8 weeks of mental fitness training you'd be able to see the results in MRI imaging:

Increased grey matter in the PQ Brain region, where your Sage lives
Decreased grey matter in the Survivor Brain region, where your Saboteurs live
Improvements in these competencies lead to substantial results:
  • At MetLife, trained salespeople outsold the control group by 37%
  • Motorola recorded improved productivity in 93% of trained employees
  • In a UK restaurant group, higher competency resulted in 34% greater profit growth
  • At Sanofi-Aventis Pharmeceutical, the average salesperson with improved competency sold $55,200 more per month
  • At L'Oreal, strength in these competencies resulted in $91,370 increase per sales person
  • At CIBC, strength in these competencies account for 32% of booked sales and 71% of pipeline sale

Check some of our partnership stories

“Holly is a highly intuitive and thought provoking coach. She asks tough questions that really open up areas that need to be unlocked in order to make progress and achieve goals. She is also very warm and funny, so be prepared to laugh! I would trust Holly with my most vulnerable and sensitive thoughts and feelings knowing she will always honor my trust.”

Bela Marques – Leadership & Confidence Coach

“Holly is truly one of the most honest, insightful, thoughtful, and humble human beings that I have ever met. Holly listens with patience and helped me discover and unlock key areas for me that needed attention. She gives practical guidance and homework that I could implement easily into my life. Holly is a force of nature; I do not give many people that badge of honor.”

Brian Bowen – Business Owner, Integrative Health Inc.

While working with Holly I was able to understand my dissonance with my new role and get clear on what I wanted to achieve. What I appreciate the most was her style; authentic and direct

Amy Jensen – Director of Learning and Development