Measuring Mental Fitness (PQ)

Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur).

Saboteurs react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt, or worry.

Your Sage handles challenges through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.

The relative strength of your positive Sage versus negative Saboteurs is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).

PQ is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It’s the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential.

You can boost your PQ significantly with practice.

Mental Fitness is the X-Factor

If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.

If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.

80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

The great news? With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within 6 weeks of practice.

The results? Dramatically improved performance and productivity and a calm, clear and happier mind.

Breakthrough Research

PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

Research included:

  • hundreds of CEOs
  • sales, operations, and technology teams
  • Stanford students
  • Elite athletes
  • 400,000 participants from 50 countries

This research was summarized in Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller, translated into 20 languages.

The research reveals that:

  • Saboteurs and Sage live in entirely different
  • Regions of the brain.
  • You can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation
  • To weaken Saboteurs and boost Sage.
  • 3 core muscles constitute mental fitness.

3 Core Muscles of Mental Fitness

1. Saboteurs Interceptor Muscle

You Saboteurs generate all your negative
emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-
doubt, anger, avoidance,
procrastination, insensitivity or
discontent. Mental fitness requires the
ability to intercept and discredit the

2. Sage Muscle

You Saboteurs generate all your negative
emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-
doubt, anger, avoidance,
procrastination, insensitivity or
discontent. Mental fitness requires the
ability to intercept and discredit the

3. Self-Command Muscle

You Saboteurs generate all your negative
emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-
doubt, anger, avoidance,
procrastination, insensitivity or
discontent. Mental fitness requires the
ability to intercept and discredit the

Introducing the PQ Program

Designed like a mental fitness bootcamp, the PQ Program gives you the insights, motivation, and structure to practice 15 minutes per day for 6 weeks.

The program combines weekly video sessions with daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles.

Weekly 1-hour Video Sessions

In these highly engaging sessions, Shirzad guides you through experiential exercises that deepen and personalize your understanding of the mental fitness tools. You leave inspired and energized for the week’s daily practices.

Exclusive App Guiding Your Daily Practice

Each day a different focus for daily practice is assigned through a personalized companion app available exclusively to program participants.

This builds one small muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits of your mind. The cumulative impact by program’s end is substantial.

Interactive PQ Gym

Innovative 10-second PQ Reps build up your Self-Command muscle. You learn to be clear-headed and calm even in the midst of great challenges, able to command your mind to shift from Saboteur to Sage response.

Daily Progress Tracking

The app tracks your daily progress against minimum targets associated with new neural pathway (muscle) formation. Personalized daily coaching tips from Shirzad continue to both encourage and challenge you to keep going.

Cohort Community with Shirzad

Shirzad remains an active member of your cohort community, answering your questions or providing online coaching. Participants report the online cohort community to be key to sustaining their enthusiasm for daily practice.

Check some of our partnership stories

“Holly is a highly intuitive and thought provoking coach. She asks tough questions that really open up areas that need to be unlocked in order to make progress and achieve goals. She is also very warm and funny, so be prepared to laugh! I would trust Holly with my most vulnerable and sensitive thoughts and feelings knowing she will always honor my trust.”

Bela Marques – Leadership & Confidence Coach

“Holly is truly one of the most honest, insightful, thoughtful, and humble human beings that I have ever met. Holly listens with patience and helped me discover and unlock key areas for me that needed attention. She gives practical guidance and homework that I could implement easily into my life. Holly is a force of nature; I do not give many people that badge of honor.”

Brian Bowen – Business Owner, Integrative Health Inc.

While working with Holly I was able to understand my dissonance with my new role and get clear on what I wanted to achieve. What I appreciate the most was her style; authentic and direct

Amy Jensen – Director of Learning and Development